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This post outlines the new feature of PowerShell Pro Tools and PowerShell Universal that have been added in the January 2022 release cycle.
This release cycle was limited to small features and bug fixes due to the holidays.
We have released new versions of the entire PowerShell Pro Tools suite of tools.
The WPF Designer is now supported in Visual Studio 2022. When you add WPF windows to your PowerShell projects, the correct assembly references will be included to support WPF. You should see the designer and IntelliSense should work properly within XAML files.
PowerShell 7 executables now support setting file properties such as description, product name and copyright.
The January release of PowerShell Universal provides many new features built into the existing feature groups. See below for some notable examples.
You can now set a random delay for schedules. When the random delay is enabled, the scheduled script will wait between 0 and 60 seconds before executing. This is helpful when scheduling many scripts around the same time. This ensures they do not start all at the exact same time.
You can now create app tokens that do not expire. Previously, you could create app tokens that would expire after 1 year at maximum.
You can now use -Integrated
with the schedule cmdlets. This means you do not need to issue any app token for internal scripts like APIs, jobs and dashboards to manage schedules.
Get-PSUSchedule -Integrated
New-PSUSchedule -Script 'MyScript.ps1' -Cron '* * * * *' -Integrated
Below you’ll find some other changes to Ironman Software
We now provide a bundle that includes PowerShell Pro Tools and PowerShell Universal to individual users for a discounted $149.99. This yearly subscription includes a perpetual license. We recommend you check out the new PowerShell Universal Desktop as it plan to begin to integrate some features of PowerShell Pro Tools into the offering. The Ironman Bundle is currently not offered for organizations.
We are now producing PowerShell Universal v3 nightly builds. PowerShell Universal v3 is the next major version of the platform. The themes for this release are simplicity, especial for Universal Dashboard, SQL server support, multi-agent support and high availability.
You can read more about our v3 release here.
We’ve add a historical PowerShell Universal downloads page. You’ll be able to download all the old versions of PowerShell Universal without having to dig around. You’ll also find release notes for each release.
You can visit the page here.
We’ve also improved the nightly build page. It’s easier to navigate and includes both PowerShell Universal v3 builds as well as v2 builds.
You can visit the page here.
Continue the conversion on the Ironman Software forums. Chat with over 1000 users about PowerShell, PowerShell Universal, and PowerShell Pro Tools.
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