July 2022 - Product Updates and Releases

PowerShell Universal Product Updates

July 12, 2022

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This post outlines the new features of PowerShell Universal that have been added in the July 2022 release cycle. There were no major changes to PowerShell Pro Tools during this release cycle.

Table of Contents

PowerShell Universal 3.1

PowerShell Universal 3.1 is the next release of the latest and greatest version of the platform.


PowerShell Universal now provides integrated translation support. You can define translations for strings that you then can surface in APIs, scripts and dashboards. PowerShell Universal will automatically determine the language of the user accessing an API or dashboard. You can also define the language to return when running scripts.

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Improved Git Sync

Git sync can now be configured directly in the admin console. Git settings configured in this way are stored within the database. This is useful for multi-node environments that use a SQL database. This means that connecting a PSU instance to a SQL database will result in it automatically being configured for git sync. It also means that git sync settings are stored in a single location rather than on each node.

Git sync also provides a manually synchronize button an file diff support.

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Terminal History

Commands and output from terminals can now be optionally stored. This allows for auditing of what was run by whom and what the result was.

New Dashboard Features

Date Range for New-UDDatePicker

Specify the minimum and\or maximum dates for the date picker.

New-UDDatePicker -Minimum ((Get-Date).AddDays(-15)) -Maximum ((Get-Date).AddDays(15))

Loading Button

Display a loading indicator while a button processes its OnClick event handler.

New-UDButton -Text 'Message Box' -OnClick {
    Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, world!'
    Start-Sleep 10
} -ShowLoading

Style modals with -Style, -HeaderStyle, -ContentStyle and -FooterStyle.

New-UDButton -Text 'Styling' -OnClick {
    Show-UDModal -Content {
        New-UDTypography -Text "Hello"
    } -Style @{
        backgroundColor = "red"

Simplified Masked Textbox

We’ve integrated a new react library, react-imask, to simplify defining masks by adding support for pattern-based masks.

New-UDTextbox -Mask "+1 (000) 000-0000"

Session Timeout Configuration

You can now configure the session timeout modal for a dashboard.