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In this blog post, learn how to read the registry with PowerShell.
The registry provider makes reading from the registry similar to accessing a file system.
Registry hives are drives within the registry provider. You can list the hives by using Get-PSDrive
Get-PSDrive -PSProvider Registry
Navigate to a particular drive with Set-Location
or the cd
Set-Location HKCU:\
You can list subkeys with the Get-ChildItem
or dir
cd HKCU:\
You can also use the Set-Location
or the cd
alias to open subkeys.
Set-Location HCKU:\Console
You can get values for a key by using Get-ItemProperty
Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Console
You can also list the current path’s values by using Get-ItemProperty
without a path.
Set-Location HKCU:\Console
You can also use the .NET Registry class directly. While it’s not quite as user friendly as the Registry Provider, it does provide more options.
The Registry
class has several static fields for accessing hives.
To list subkeys, use the GetSubKeyNames()
To open a subkey, use the OpenSubKey()
method. You will need to ensure that you call Dispose()
when you are done using it.
$Subkey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Console")
You can get the values within a key using GetValue()
and GetValueNames()
$Subkey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Console")
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