New Versioning and Release Cadence for Ironman Software Products

August 10, 2021

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Based on customer feedback and in an effort to provide more consistent and reasonable release schedules, we are rolling out to some changes around versioning and release cadence.


PowerShell Universal

PowerShell Universal version numbers will continue to use semantic version. You can expect the format to be MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD going forward. Major version changes will signify breaking changes. Minor build changes will signify new features. Build version changes will signify bug fixes.

PowerShell Pro Tools

PowerShell Pro Tools will now use Calendar Version for all tools. The format will be YYYY.MM.BUILD. The year and date will be determined based on when the release is published. The build number will start at 0 and be increased if multiple builds are released within a month.

Versioning changes do not affect licensing

Release Cadence

PowerShell Universal

We will start to release PowerShell Universal on a monthly basis. This slow in cadence will allow for better planning and testing of releases. You will be able to view progress and planned features on our milestones page.

We plan to release the second Tuesday of each month to align with Microsoft’s release schedule. This will allow customers to patch all their machines at a similar time for all of their products.

Inter-month builds may be released if critical issues are discovered by customers during the month. Nightly builds will still be available.

PowerShell Pro Tools

PowerShell Pro Tools will also release on a monthly basis to allow for adequate testing and less frequent upgrades. Inter-month builds may be released if critical issues are discovered. Not all tools will receive updates each month so you may not see version numbers change.

We plan to release on the second Tuesday of each month to align with PowerShell Universal.