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In this post, we’ll look at numerous ways to work with paths. All of these commands work cross-platform.
There are a couple ways to join paths.
You can use Join-Path
to join directories or files and directories.
Join-Path 'C:\Users' 'adamr'
You can use [IO.Path]::Combine
to combine more than two path segments.
[IO.Path]::Combine("C:", "Users", "adamr", "Desktop")
You can split paths to get the parent or leaf path.
Split-Path "C:\users\adamr\desktop"
# C:\users\adamr
Split-Path "C:\users\adamr\desktop" -Leaf
# desktop
Check if a file or directory exists.
Test-Path C:\users\adamr
"Note" | Out-File C:\users\adamr\desktop\note.txt
You can use IO.Path
and IO.FileInfo
to get file extensions.
"Note" | Out-File C:\users\adamr\desktop\note.txt
(Get-Item C:\users\adamr\desktop\note.txt).Extension
# .txt
# .txt
You can use the [Environment]
class to get known paths.
# C:\Program Files
# C:\Users\adamr\AppData\Roaming
$CommonAdminTools = [Environment+SpecialFolder]::CommonAdminTools
# C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
# List of possible values
You can also use environment variables.
# C:\Users\adamr\AppData\Roaming
Get-ChildItem Env:\
You can use [IO.Path]
to get temporary file names and the temporary directory.
# C:\Users\adamr\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpAFD8.tmp
# C:\Users\adamr\AppData\Local\Temp\
Use [IO.Path]
to get information about the current system paths.
# \
# ;
# /
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