PowerShell Universal v3 - End of Life

PowerShell Universal

June 10, 2024

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As of June 1st, 2024, PowerShell Universal v3 has reached end of life. We have removed the ability to download the software from the main download page and will no longer be providing updates or support for the product. Any users that are still running version 3 are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version of PowerShell Universal. We do reserve the right to provide updates to version 3 if critical security issues are discovered.

For information on upgrading, please click here. If you require support for your upgrade, please visit our support portal.

Version 4 Life Cycle

Version 4 will be supported through June 1st of 2026. It will continue to receive updates and maintenance during this time. Features will be limited and more involved features will be included in version 5. Version 4.3 will be released later this month. For a list of features in version 4.3, please visit our milestone.

Version 5 Beta Status

Version 5 is currently in beta. We anticipate a release of beta6 this week. It will contain a number of new features and bug fixes. We continue to collect feedback from users on our issue tracker. For a list of the current issues, click here. We are also tracking remaining issues for the version 5 release in this milestone. This milestone is subject to change nad will be updated as we progress through the beta cycle. We anticipate a release candidate in the coming weeks.

We appreciate your support and feedback as we continue to improve PowerShell Universal.