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Below is a reference between PowerShell and Python language syntax. Most of these examples where adapted from W3 schools Python tutorials. Is there something we have wrong or is missing? Please contact us.
PowerShell | Python | |
Defining |
Access Element |
Length |
Adding |
Removing |
Removing by value |
PowerShell | Python | |
Integers |
Floats |
Strings |
PowerShell | Python | |
Definition |
Create Object |
Constructor |
Methods |
PowerShell | Python | |
If \ Else |
PowerShell | Python | |
Single line |
Multiline |
PowerShell | Python | |
Get Type |
PowerShell | Python | |
Defining |
Accessing Elements |
Updating Elements |
Enumerating Keys |
Enumerating Values |
Check if key exists |
Adding items |
PowerShell | Python | |
Definition |
Arguments |
Variable Arguments |
Named Arguments |
Default Values |
Return Values |
PowerShell | Python | |
Lambda |
PowerShell | Python | |
For |
While |
Break |
Continue |
PowerShell | Python | |
Addition |
Subtraction |
Multiplication |
Division |
Modulus |
Floor |
Exponent |
PowerShell | Python | |
Install |
Import |
List |
PowerShell | Python | |
String |
Multiline |
Select Character |
Length |
Remove whitespace at front and back |
To Lowercase |
To Uppercase |
Replace |
Split |
Join |
Formatting |
Formatting by Index |
Formatting Strings |
PowerShell | Python | |
PowerShell | Python | |
| |
Global |
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